Tech-Ecke / Delphi Inhalt / Windows-Systemklänge abspielen


     Windows-Systemklänge abspielen


  SndPlaySound('C:\Sound.wav',SND_ASYNC); – benötigt MMSystem in uses!

Anstatt einem Dateipfad kann man auch eine Konstante eingeben, die einem Windowssystemton zugeordnet ist.

SystemAsterisk - Asterisk
Default - Default Beep
EmptyRecycleBin - when recycle bin is emptied
SystemExclamation - when windows shows a warning
SystemExit - when Windows shuts down
Maximize - when a program is maximized
MenuCommand - when a menu item is clicked on
MenuPopup - when a (sub)menu pops up
Minimize - when a program is minimized to taskbar
MailBeep - when email is received
Open - when a program is opened
SystemHand - when a critical stop occurs
AppGPFault - when a program causes an error
SystemQuestion - when a system question occurs
RestoreDown - when a program is restored to normal size
RestoreUp - when a program is restored to normal size from taskbar
SystemStart - when Windows starts up
Close - when program is closed
Ringout     - when (fax) call is made outbound and the line is ringing
RingIn   - incoming (fax) call

Die Option Drucken funktioniert erst ab Netscape V4.0 bzw. I-Explorer 5.0 !

[letzte Aktualisierung 28.01.2007]